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HOME > FACILITIES > Convenience > Pposonghagae

Pet bath


After a fun outdoor activity with your pet, take a nice bath at 'Pposonghagae'!
There are separate self-bathing facilities for small and large dogs, so it's safe, and there's a pet drying room and pet dryer so you can dry your fur comfortably.

Information table
Location 1F, Blue Bldg. ~ 1F, Green Bldg. connecting corridor
Hours 24 hours
Facilities Pet dry room, pet dryer, self-bathing facilities for small/large dogs, cypress carbonated spa, carbonated spa, towels, shampoo, etc.
Inquires +82-33-330-6200
Operational Guidances
  • Hours and prices are subject to change depending on circumstances.

Usage Fees

Information table
Pet dry room Free
Pet dryer Free
Self-bathing facilities for small/large dogs Free
Cypress carbonated spa 5,000 KRW
Carbonated spa 3,000 KRW
Towels 2,000 KRW